Making Texas : Texas Made

A new introduction comes your way today on Fluid… Every now and then we will be adding a post to the site that focuses on our favourite past time… Food! Yep I know your thinking what the heck does food have to do with a radio station/music blog? Well not that much I guess, but for all you flavour connaisseurs this may be just the perfect tonic for an end of summer treat. The first 3 course menu was created especially for Fluid Radio and comes from the wonderful delicacies of Laine Hardy who runs a great web site that focuses on seriously good experimental recipes…

‘I like to label just about anything “Texas” or “ Texan”.  Born near Detroit, raised in Michigan, worked in Belo Horizonte, enjoyed life by living in Florida, Oregon, California and now Texas, the only thing I can say certainly about myself right now is that my feet are on the ground in Austin, Texas.

As stereotypes would have it, Texans have been born and bred on barbeque, chili peppers, queso + Tex Mex.  And since I have been born + bred on Vernors, kolache, coney island fare, and warm, northern American comfort food, what a better time than now for a little divergent evolution?  Select the best typical Texan flavors and your most promising friends, and heat up the bbq’.

A recipe for an excellent evening around the bbq…

Start yourself out with a Texas Happy Hour [or two…] aka Frozen Watermelon Soup.
Get sweaty and comfortable while barbequing a little Grilled Stew.
Snack on Grilled Peaches after dark.

Watermelon Soup:

1 Watermelon [rind + seeds removed, roughly chopped] 2 inches Ginger Root [grated] dash Cayenne Pepper [to taste] Basil Leaves [garnish]

Freeze in ice cube trays.  Serve a glass full of frozen watermelon soup cubes, a few basil leaves + top with a summery wheat beer.

Grilled Stew:

3 Yukon Gold Potatoes [cut in half] 6 Tomatoes [cut in half at their core] 1 Hatch Chili
2 Ears of Corn
1 Onion [peel + sliced in half] Olive Oil
Salt + Freshly Ground Black Pepper
1/2 – 1 cup Vegetable Broth
1/4 tsp Marjoram [dried] 1/2 tsp Chipotle Chili Powder

Toss potatoes, tomatoes, hatch chili + onion with a little olive oil. Place all veggies on the grill, over hot coals, cut side down. Place hatch chili along the edges so that its skins do not blacken. Grill, turning once. Remove each veggie as it is finished cooking, 7-15 minutes. Corn + onions should have grill marks, tomato + potato skins browning + blistering.

Roughly chop the grilled vegetables + add to a medium sauce pot. Add vegetable broth + spices. Bring to a simmer. You will need to adjust the vegetable broth depending on the moisture in your tomatoes. Simmer 5-10 minutes.

Great with cornbread + a side of black eyed peas + greens.

Grilled Peaches:

4 Peaches [freestone, cut in half] 1-1/2 oz 74% Dark Chocolate [broken into 8 squares] Habenero Sugar [for sprinkling]

Grill peaches on a hot grill, cut side down for about 5 minutes. When peaches have grill marks, flip over + place a piece of chocolate in place of the pit. Continue to grill for a few more minutes until the chocolate is melted. Transfer to plates + sprinkle with spicy sugar.

Call it Texan, invite your friends, enjoy it while its hot…” – Laine

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  1. says: Harry

    Hmmm….makes me consider an idea I had some time back…an Audio Gourmet recipe book, featuring signature dishes by our favourite ambient artists! Doubt this will ever come into fruition, but food for thought!

    PS, if I wasn’t so busy/lazy, I’d have a go at this myself; looks delicious!

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