Painted Caves


Primarily sourced from modular synthesizer, Surveillance compiles 7 tracks recorded over the last year, warped with cassette tapes and other digital tools. Beamed in like a scene from Videodrome, this sensual brand of dystopian psychedelia creates a grainy and tension filled narrative to get lost in.

Much of Caminiti’s past work has inhabited a world of it’s own, but Surveillance is a direct response to life in an American city today. Inspired by the darker aspects of the constantly plugged in digital age, this album seems to turn feelings of alienation and paranoia into something cathartic. Lying somewhere between no wave dystopia and basic channel minimalism, heavy grooves and polyrhythmic percussion lay a foundation for bell like drones and decaying saw wave mantras which fade into rhythmic abstraction as distant choirs and flickering static interference hovers around the edges.

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