
Howl live compiles recordings from three years of concerts at music halls, lofts and cafés across Montréal.

Featuring live recordings by cellist Norsola Johnson, harp duets by Sarah Pagé and Robin Best, an ensemble with guitarist Nick Kuepfer, percussionist Eric Craven and cellist Kristina Koropecki. Also music by Les Momies de Palerme, a duet by Brahja Waldman and Stefan Christoff + a solo trumpet, poetry piece by Jason “Blackbird” Selman.

Howl live was recorded by Nick Schofield and produced in collaboration with Stefan Christoff. Album design and photography by Kevin Lo, offset printing by KataSoho.

“Support your arts community by actively listening – not only to its music but also the silence from which it is born.” writes Schofield.

A collaboration with CKUT community radio at 90.3 FM, the Howl live album conveys both the creative beauty and urgency of independent musicians in this city, artists who actively explore the boundaries of contemporary culture.

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