Rie Nakajima is a Japanese sculptor working with installations and performances that produce sound. Her works are most often composed in direct response to unique architectural spaces using a combination of kinetic devices and found objects. She has exhibited and performed widely both in the UK and overseas and has produced the ‘Sculpture’ series with David Toop since 2013. She often collaborates with David Cunningham, Miki Yui, Keiko Yamamoto, Guy De Bièvre, Johan Vandermaelen, Pierre Berthet and many others. In 2014 she won the Arts Foundation Award in the category of Experimental Music. www.rienakajima.com
Rie Nakajima will be performing with David Toop and Aki Onda on the 9th of April at the Purcell Room, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, as part of the School of Sound International Symposium. www.schoolofsound.co.uk/sos/
Sonic Close-Ups ? 4 was filmed and recorded at OTO Project Space on the occasion of Rie Najakima’s collaborative project with Keiko Yamamoto as O Yama O on March 29th 2015.