Amorosa Sensitiva
Benjamin Finger is an artist with a tactility for pure feeling, and a sure feel for imbuing fluency. Just as a note can curl a shape like an eclair topping on cakework, the music is amorously sensitive to your inner ambilectro cravings, like a cog wrapped up in bubble gum, tacking on to the next emotional trend while setting one as it rolls gently down the hill.
Where to start? There is a head-spinning, windswept hue about the operatic cadences between tracks on this x-ray edition from Blue Tapes. Often careening into an unintentional antigen idiom, the harmonies spread sparingly like a people crossing anticipating early traffic. At once crystal clear? Then in the next recording operating on something else.
The opening track starts the record with rays of folicle-warming, gentle sunshine, reminding one of Eluviums ‘Everything To Come’ mixed with the microtonal drone of Marsen Jules, topping up in Fahrenheit over the course with dappled Biosphere luminous eggs of ambient structural life. When these harmonies converge, the melodious and dissonant notes cluster Together like mirror neurons.
Dates are fixed, but times are changed by memories. This sums up much of romance in music, and the dance music beats here, repetition and climax sourcing off each bookend with a timely electronic sustenance.
Highlight instrumental sensitivities include the guitar girders and the whirling pizzicato, oriental violins selected to order of the highest implemental shifts. The instruments feed the listener like a remedy to insanity.
Is a free for all, in the minds of a market stall, bridging the gap between response and fall like a chestnut in protocol? This is lyrical insanity, almost. It’s also a thousand dreams. Sensitivity can mean anything to anyone. What matters is that ‘Amarosa Sensitiva’ means something.