Kuba Kapsa – Vantdraught 4

Exclusive track taken from the upcoming Kuba Kapsa Ensemble album on Denovali Records (24.06.16)…

Kuba Kapsa is a Polish pianist and composer being the leader of the avant-jazz combo Contemporary Noise Sextet (2006-2014). Beyond that he is a renowned composer for film and theater plays. His latest venture is the first of a sophisticated series of projects of modern classical music bearing the common title “Vantdraught”.

The first part of the “Vantdraught” series was called “Vantdraught 10 · Vol. 1” and featured ten classical instruments – 4 violins, 2 violas, cello, vibraphone, marimba and piano. The now appearing second part is “Vantdraught 4”, a quartet album written for violin, clarinet/bass clarinet, trombone and piano. The minimalistic style of Vantdraught 10 is preserved although the music is less repetitive and much more intimate. Instinct and intuition is the main force behind the writing process, usually avoiding typical chord progressions and the classical cadential technique.

In contrast to “Vantdraught 10 · Vol. 1”, the rhythm domain is also less important, thus allowing the melody and harmony to come to the fore. The pieces of “Vantdraught 4” are mainly tonal music but Kapsa also makes use of atonal and polytonal harmonies which requires the listener to put more e ort into listening to these parts. The unusual set of instruments is what makes this quartet album unique and fresh sounding. “Vantdraught 4” is certainly linked to classical and minimal music in general but one can find other influences such as jazz and “new music”.

Much like its predecessor, “Vantdraught 4” features an astonishing artwork based on “The Reluctant Conscript” by the seminal artist duo Kahn & Selesnick.


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