John Cage in London

Cage Two4, Naomi Sato playing sh? and Aisha Orazbayeva with violin

‘Two4’ is a late work from John Cage’s Number series, composed using chance procedures. It will be performed in London by Aisha Orazbayeva on violin and Naomi Sato on shō — a Japanese wind instrument associated with gagaku court music, and one of the few non-Western instruments that Cage wrote explicitly for. The concert forms the release party for the recording of the same piece, and will also feature traditional Gagaku music alongside works by Orlando Gibbons and Georg Philip Telemann.

Date: Friday 7 July 2017, 7pm
Venue: Gagosian Gallery, 6-24 Britannia Street, London WC1X 9JD
Tickets: Free, but a donation is requested in aid of PROEM-AID, an organisation dedicated to saving migrants’ lives at sea
RSVP: or via BrownPaperTickets

I’ve much enjoyed the work of Orazbayeva on performances of work by Bryn Harrison and Vitalija Glovackyte, and the shō looks like a fascinating instrument, so this should be a good one. For those listeners not in London (which would be most of us, I imagine), the recording will also be out on 7 July via SN Variations.

SN Variations

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