Ian Wellman – The House That Ate Itself

Last fall I had experienced my first termite swarm in a newly settled apartment. Once a year, the alates from the colony emerge from tiny cracks in the walls in search of new nesting grounds. Some find their way into furniture or neighboring homes, most lose their wings and their bodies wither away.

I later discovered how common it is for termite infestations to be left alone for year at a times in rental properties, resulting in enormous structural damage to the homes. I began to think about the way that it is similar to the slowly eroding home we are passing on to the future generations due to our inaction on climate change. ‘The House That Ate Itself’ is a reflection on navigating current emergencies, successes from our past, and hope for a better future – Ian Wellman


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1 Comment

  1. i don’t know why the natural sound has comfortable sound structures. these exceeded musical elements, for example a melody and a rhythm. your sound connects ambient music to field sounds nicely. i enjoyed your sound. thank you !

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