Sound In Silence: October 2020

There is a bright contour on the horizon. As Halloween approaches, so does the striking, as does the dark. On these two Sound In Silence label albums, Yellow6 and Panoptique Electrical respectively tend to both elements of the colour spectrum; the first (Yellow6) with guitars and feedback; with Panoptique Electrical, a angular heyday-harking to the kosmiche piano arpeggio.

Yellow6’s environmental impact with soft brushwork, pre-ordained rhythmic melodies, and generalised affectation for the reassurance of a lot of melody, pays dividends in the overall scheme of things. On track two, “Safe”, for instance, a chilled miasma of cooly bubbling lava, and a lamp in a cave at the other extreme: polarised technological innovation. All the while, there is plenty of basic fretplay that is just impossibly sweet to ignore in my opinion.

Where Yellow6 prefers a shoehorned understanding of the fundamentals of logical musicality, Panoptique Electrical shines light on the lopsided art of arpeggio clusters, particularly, in this case, with the piano. The album of the moment may never be minimalism based, but at the same time PE’s record is full of illustrious minimalism, through multiple scalings of the piano and figurative octave adjustments as such. It’s a rare earth feeling that these two LPs exude and I for one am not disappointed for being alerted to them.

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