The Album Leaf – Storyboard (JMJL Rework)

Photo by Michael Raines

Acclaimed ambient electronic project The Album Leaf recently shared “Storyboard (JMJL Rework),” the new single off of his upcoming LP, One Day XX, out 17th September, 2021 via Nettwerk. The record is a 20th-anniversary edition rework of their career-launching record, One Day I’ll Be On Time. For the album, The Album Leaf creator Jimmy LaValle brought in longtime collaborator James McAlister (Sufjan Stevens, The National, David Bazan) and members of his live band to help re-imagine every arrangement with what he knows now as a composer and performer, celebrating the songs from a different vantage, with technical prowess and the emotional clarity that time and distance can afford…

When asked about “Storyboard” Jimmy explained, “The charm of the original recording of Storyboard was the rawness. At the time, I had no confidence in getting a good acoustic guitar sound, so Rafter Roberts set me up in his empty warehouse with the doors wide open, mic’s placed around the room and wanted me to check out the sound he got, I replied that I’d just play the song and come listen after. The ambience of the empty concrete room I recorded in, next to a freeway with all the doors wide open created a great mood to the original recording. I definitely wanted to pay homage to how we had recorded the song. I set up outside on the deck next to my studio, while the birds sung and decided to live-stream while I recorded my guitar. I left my take as is and sent it over to James who added beautiful counter melodies that fit in like they were always there. Patrick Heaney also mixed this song so it would build perfectly to that uplifting end moment. The end result hopefully comes off just as honest as when I first recorded it, I hope these updated elements will present as solid rework while paying homage to that raw, spontaneous original recording.”

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